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"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse


Since September 1857, the events of the Mountain Meadows Massacre have been recounted and interpreted by innumerable writers. From newspaper articles, to government reports, to novels, to plays, and even to films, the massacre has been represented in popular culture and public discourse in ways that reflect the historical context of the writers and the meanings they derived from the events of September 11, 1857.

Rather than delving into the facts surrounding the massacre, this archive focuses on these portrayals of the Mountain Meadows Massacre and how their creators represented the event and its aftermath. Additionally, this archive gives users tools to explore these representations. With these tools, which include advanced browsing functions, concept highlighting that reveals narrative elements within texts, and visualizations that illustrate language usage and information dissemination, visitors can begin to develop their own understanding of the ways the massacre was reported on, ignored, contextualized, and reinterpreted over time.

The initial stages of this project focus on newspaper coverage of the massacre from 1857-1870. Many of the descriptions of the Mountain Meadows Massacre in later works spring from this early period of reportage, particularly from the earliest California reports of the massacre. Reports of a poisoned ox and the verbal abuse of Mormon women, as well as assertions of Mormon guilt and unburied corpses arise in these first articles and editorials and recur for many years.

Upon the completion of the first stages, newspaper accounts from the years following Philip Klingensmith’s confession and John D. Lee’s arrest, trial, and subsequent execution will be integrated into the archive. As these later newspaper articles are added, government reports about the massacre, burial of victims, the quest for reparations for families of the victims, and the Lee trial also will be folded into the archive.

In later phases of the project, fictional treatments of the Mountain Meadows Massacre will be added, as will depictions of the massacre in non-fiction works of Western Americana. Dramatizations of the massacre on stage and in film will round out the archive.

Date Source Author Title
December, 1857 Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information in relation to the massacre at Mountain Meadows and other massacres in Utah Territory Garland Hurt Message of the President of the United States: Hurt Report from Fort Bridger
1858 Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-Fifth Congress John B. Floyd Message of the President of the United States: Report of the Secretary of War, 1857
1858 Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-Fifth Congress John B. Floyd Message of the President of the United States: Report of the Secretary of War, 1858
1858 Massacre of Emigrants to California: Gwin-Houston Debate on Mountain Meadows William M. Gwin and Sam Houston Massacre of Emigrants to California
1859 , Accompanying the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, for the year 1859 A. B. Greenwood Report of the Commissioner Of Indian Affairs: Report, Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs
1859 Special Report of the Mountain Meadow Massacre James Henry Carleton Special Report of the Mountain Meadow Massacre
1860 Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information in relation to the massacre at Mountain Meadows, and other massacres in Utah Territory James Lynch James Lynch Affidavit
1860 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, for the year 1859 Jacob Forney Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: Utah Superintendency
1860 Message of the President of the United States, Communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information in relation to the massacre at Mountain Meadows, and other massacres in Utah Territory Charles Brewer Message of the President of the United States: Brewer's Report
1860 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, accompanying the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, for the year 1860 Andrew Humphreys Report of the Commissioner of the Indian Affairs: No. 76, Utah Agency
1862 Accounts of Brigham Young, Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Utah Territory. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting report of the investigation of the acts of Governor Young, ex-officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Utah Territory Caleb B. Smith Accounts of Brigham Young, Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Utah Territory
1863 Utah and the Mormons: Speech of Hon. John Cradlebaugh, of Nevada, on the Admission of Utah as a State. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 7, 1863 John Cradlebaugh Utah and the Mormons: Speech of Hon. J. Cradlebaugh (Pamphlet)
1863 Appendix to the Congressional Globe John Cradlebaugh Utah and the Mormons: Speech of Hon. J. Cradlebaugh (Congressional Globe)
1864 General Ingalls's Inspection Report. Letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the House of February 27, transmitting report of General Ingalls's inspection made in 1866 George F. Price General Ingalls's Inspection Report: Price Report from Salt Lake and Fort Mojave W. R. Express
1868 McGrorty vs. Hooper, July 9, 1868.—Laid on the table and ordered to be printed James Henry Carleton McGrorty vs. Hooper: Camp at Mountain Meadows
1872 Letter From The Secretary Of War Relative to An Appropriation for a Military Post Near the Town of Beaver City, Utah William W. Belknap Letter From The Secretary of War
1875 Preliminary Report Upon A Reconnaissance Through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, Made in 1869, by First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Assisted by First Lieut. D. W. Lockwood, Crops of Engineers, U. S. Army, under the Orders of Brig. Gen. E. O. C. Ord, Bvt. Maj. U. S. Army, Commanding Department of California George M. Wheeler Preliminary Report Upon A Reconnaissance Through Southern and Southeastern Nevada
1875 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the year 1875 Calvin A. Bateman Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the year 1875: Pyramid Lake Reserve
1876 Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah for a direct wagon-route from Camp Floyd to Genoa, in Carson Valley, in 1859, by Captain J. H. Simpson J. H. Simpson and Garland Hurt Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah: Indians of Utah