"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse

The evidence appears to be very strong that the Mormons either perpetrated themselves the massacre of the emigrant party from Arkansas to California or incited the Indians to perform the deed. It also appears evident that the emigrants would not have been cut off if they had been prudent in their conduct towards the Mormons. With characteristic recklessness of speech and demeanor which prevails among the population of the south western States, the party was free in denouncing Mormons, and stigmatizing their women by insulting terms. Their conduct was said to have been reckless, and they would commit little acts of violence for the purpose of provoking the Saints. Feeling perfectly safe in their arms and numbers, they seemed to set at defiance all the powers that could be brought against them. And they were not permitted to feel the dangers that surrounded them until they were cut off from all hope of relief.