"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse
The Mormon Conference—Railroad Extensions—The Mountain Meadow Massacre.
—Great preparations are being made here for the Mormon semi-annual Conference on the 6th of October next.
Work on the Narrow-gauge Railroad, from the Utah Southern Railroad to the mining district in Bingham Canon, is to be commenced immediately. The distance is seventeen miles. The American Fork Narrow-gauge Railroad is finished. Twenty miles of rail from Echo, on the Union Pacific line, through the Parley Park mining district to Provo is under way.
The Nevada papers indorse Ex-Bishop Smith, who made the affidavit about the Mountain Meadow massacre, and deny the assertion of the Mormon organs that he's either a murderer or a perjurer. The Mormon Press do not contradict the truth of the affidavit.
Suits are about to be commenced against the Mormon city authorities for the recent destruction of property in houses of ill-fame.