Affairs in the Territory Looking Badly—Judge Cradlebaugh Investigating—A Great Army Contract Swindle &c.
KIRK ANDERSON, late editor of the Valley Tan, writes to the St. Louis Republican:
GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, Friday, June 3, 1859.
I suppose that your people in the States wonder whether we all have our scalps on out here or not. By placing my hand to the top of my caput I realize this morning that mine is there and likely to remain.
Before entering into what little items of interest that are floating around here, I will simply state that I have disposed of the Valley Tan, and should my friends in "America" ask for the reason I would not give it here, though reasons were, as SHAKESPEARE says, as "plenty as blackberries," I have the proud satisfaction of stating that the little paper his done well, and its exposition of Mormonism has not been without its good effects abroad, while it has been feared and hated here.
It may be set down as a fact that the Utah imbroglio is as far from a solution as ever, and the reasons are various.
First, "This people," inherently and from the recollection of former supposed wrongs, cordially despise the Government. This is evidenced from the fact of their coming to this valley, where, locked in by the mountains, they have established a hierarchy whose working so far has been to look upon all who come in here who are not of them as intruders, and place them under a system of surveillance that is absolutely insulting. The Church rules, and you smell the sacerdotal robes in every transaction of a public character, even to a coroner's inquest. While they conform outwardly to the semblance of a civil government, their every action is regulated by the Church authorities.
Secondly, They are a distinct people, and boast of it, and every obligation of loyalty to the Government is secondary to the claims of "Zion."
Thirdly, The revengeful and murderous spirit which has characterized them heretofore, concealing crime, protecting the offenders, and, so far from sympathizing with the efforts of the Federal authorities, they have done all in their power to thwart and throw obstacles in the way, evincing plainly that they despised the authority that would undertake to punish them.
As for the best plan of solving or disentangling this problem is a question I leave to those enlightened statesmen of the East, who seem to know more about it than we do out here. From the very incipiency of this Mormon question mistakes have been made, and, I will add, they have been continued in a manner to encourage and protect an evil that some day has to receive the very serious consideration of those political doctors in authority, who are presumed to cure all the infirmities incident to the political system. To the discoverer it will be a patent medicine more potent than the Kansas Pill, or the Cuba Solution, and may yet work the discoverer into the Presidential chair.
Speaking of Presidents, and while you are looking around for men, permit me to say that the voice of Christian Utah is enthusiastic for Gen. JOHNSTON. Far removed from the scenes of political troubles, educated albeit in the camp and on the field, yet to his prowess as a soldier he unites the elements of a statesman in a superior degree, and, withal, he is an unswerving Democrat from principle. There are those of us out here who, while they know he would fill that high station with honor and credit, at the same time believe that he would probably be the most available man.
Judge CRADLEBAUGH has just returned from the locality of that terrible massacre which has no parallel in American history, and known as the Mountain Meadows. His visit was the signal of a general flight among the white inhabitants, and particularly amongst those who hold commissions under the Church. Whilst the efforts of the Judiciary are paralyzed by the ecclesiastical power that prevails here. In this instance, as in former ones, where the Judiciary have acted, Mormon complicity has been developed, and the fact established that at the "Mountain Meadow" massacre, where more than one hundred men, women and children were slaughtered, there were at least a hundred Mormons engaged.
He has issued warrants for the arrest of many of them, which embraces the names of Bishops, Presidents of Stakes and Seventies, &c., who, in appreciation of their guilt have fled to the mountains— but then what can be done? Should the military posse, the only arm available and practicable, be called into requisition to secure them and protect the Court, Governor CUMMING in his wisdom, mignt feel called upon to publish another "protest."
We are all anxious here to learn what the Administration is going to do in the matter, and if the position of parties and men are entitled to any weight. I can tell them that the Christians of Utah stand by the Judiciary, who have exerted themselves so fearlessly, while the Mormons take the other side. The fact, to say the least of it, is significant.
The little children, seventeen in number, the only survivors of the Mountain Meadow massacre, are now in this city, and will leave for the States in about two weeks, in one of RUSSELL, MAJORS & WADDELL'S train, which has been gratuitously tendered, and in the charge of kind and experienced nurses.
We had a shooting affray the other day, on the street, between two Mormon boys, in which one was killed, and the farce of an examination is now going on, for if there is to be any retribution, the Church will do it through its agents—the "destroying angels,"
Everything is apparently quiet here, while we all knew the fact that the caverns and mountain passes are full of armed men and fugitives from fear of Federal authority.
The following letter appears in the St. Louis Democrat:
Camp Floyd, Utah Territory, June 2. 1859.
A few days ago, a couple of gentlemen arrived from Leavenworth, K. T., by Express, and with an air of mystery, stated that they had come from Washington, D.C. on important business, but were l0th to divulge the purport of their mission. The entire camp was on the qui vive, believing that they were the bearers of some important dispatches from the General Government, but as days passed away and time brought to light their mission, curiosity turned to censure, till it would be hard to find a single person who is not condemning the conduct of the Buchanan Administration.
Mr. JOHN HOLLIDAY and Col. MARTIN are the lucky contractors bit furnishing the army with breadstuffs the ensuing $28.60 per, for which they receive $28 60 per 100 pounds. The daily average consumption of flour by the camp is not less than 5,000 pounds, making the annual consumption about 2,000,000 pound. This would amount to $572,000—a snug little item in the current expenses. Now, when we take into consideration the fact that Mr. Wm. MARTIN and E. P. STANTON offered to furnish the supply of flour for $10 per 100 pounds, and that Mr. J. C. LITTLE agreed to take the same contract for $7 50 per 100 pounds, it seems strange that Messrs. HOLLIDAY & MARTIN have been awarded this contract at $28 60 per 100 pounds. Does it not look like collusion on the part of the Secretary of War?
The quality of flour manufactured in this Territory is of the poorest description, and would pass for "sweepings" at any market in the States. Yet, this is the stuff the army will be compelled to use during the incoming year. If it was the intention of Secretary FLOYD to have the supply of flour shipped from the States, then the price is in the neighborhood of reason. Bet if such was his design, why did he furnish Messrs. HOLLIDAY & MARTIN with orders for Government mules, from any post along the route on their journey to this point.
Since their arrival, they have commenced buying and contracting for all the flour in the Territory, for which they are paying $5 per hundred, but in all probability will have to pay as high as $8 for a portion.We will pay that they pay $8 per hundred for all of it, and we see that they are at an outlay of $160,000 in fulfilling the contract, leaving them a snug little balance of four hundred and twelve thousand dollars. There is probably four partners in this contract, Mr. JHO. HOLLIDAY, Maj. MARTIN, Wm. RUSSELL, (firm of RUSSELL, MAJORS and WADDELL) arid Secretary FLOYD. They will realize one hundred thousand dollars each, and be at no trouble or risk. Uncle Sam is blessed with a noble set of office-holders—they are so careful to look to their own interests. They are so economical as to order the discharge of all the teamsters and mechanics in the employ of the camp, and put soldiers to doing the same, all because the expenses are too great. Now the entire wages for an entire year, of the men engaged in the Quartermaster's Department, would not amount to half the sum squandered on the flour contract alone.
Major PRINCE, the Paymaster, is expected to arrive daily, and is anxiously awaited by soldiers and citizens.
The utmost excitement exists here on account of the rumored removal of Judge CRADLEBAUGH. A petition is now being circulated praying for reinstatement.
The conduct of Gov. CUMMING is condemned on all sides. The army and Gentiles openly accuse him of being bribed by BRIGHAM YOUNG, and the Mormons boast that they have the power to make him do as they please.
KIRK ANDERSON has been removed from the proprietorship and editorship of the Valley Tan, on account of his opposition to the course of Gov. CUMMING. The press and material is owned by JOHN HARTNETT and Gov. CUMMING, and they could not think of having their own paper down on their course. M. O. C.