$1,750,000 in Treasure
Complicity of the Mormons in the Late Emigrant Massacre.
Further Outrages by the Mormons and Their Indian Allies.
Immense Mass Meeting in San Francisco on the Loss of the Central America.
Progress of the War Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Two Weeks Later from the South Pacific.
The most important news from California by this arrival is the display before the public of a large amount of evidence, going to show that the party of 118 immigrants, massacred in the southern part of Utah while on their way to California — news of which occurrence was received by the last mail — were murdered by Mormons. We publish full particulars on the second page of this morning’s issue.

NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA The Immigrant Massacre—Mormon Complicity. From the San Francisco Bulletin
By the steamer Senator, which arrived on the 27th from ports on the Southern Coast, we have files of Los Angeles papers to the 24th October, and from San Diego to 17th of October. The only information of importance is in relation to the Indian troubles on the Plains. The news, published on the arrival of the last steamer, of the massacre of over one hundred immigrants, is fully confirmed. The evidence establishing the complicity of the Mormons in this outrage, is now sufficient to banish all doubt on that subject. We refer our readers to the statements published below.
We learn from the Los Angeles Star that a mass meeting of citizens was held in that city on the 12th October to investigate the facts in the recent massacre, on the Salt Lake road, of more than one hundred Americans. The meeting was organized by the election of GEORGE N. WHITMAN, Chairman, and Mr. W. H. PETERSON, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by Mr. CHARLES CHAPMAN.
Mr. W. A. WALLACE then read the following statement of Mr. GEORGE POWERS, of Little Rock, Ark., who had just arrived across the Plains. Mr. POWERS says, on his arrival, last August, at Salt Lake:
We found the Mormons making very determined preparations to fight the United States troops, whenever they may arrive. On our way in, we met three companies of 100 men each, armed and on the road towards the pass above Fort Bridger. I was told at Fort Bridger, that at Fort Supply, twelve miles this side of Fort Bridger, there were 400 armed Indians awaiting orders; they also said that there were 60,000 pounds of flour stored at Fort Bridger for the use of their army. We found companies drilling every evening in the city. The Mormons declared to us that no U.S. troops should ever cross the mountains; and they talked and acted as if they were willing to take a brush with Uncle Sam.
We remained in Salt Lake five days, and then pushed on, hoping we might overtake a larger train, which had started ten days ahead of us, and which proved to be the train that was massacred. We came on to Buttermilk Fort near the lone cedar, 175 miles, and found the inhabitants greatly enraged at the train which had just passed, declaring that they had abused the Mormon women, calling them w—s, &c, and letting on about the men. The people had refused to sell that train any provisions, and told us they were sorry they had not killed them there; but, they knew it would be done before they got in. They stated further, that they were holding the Indians in check until the arrival of their chief, when he would follow the train and cut it in pieces.
At Corn Creek, we found plenty of Indians, who were all peaceable and friendly. We learned nothing of the train, except that it had passed that place several days before, and we were glad to find we had gained so much on them. The next place where we heard of the train was on our arrival at Beaver, 230 miles from Salt Lake. Here we learned that when the train ahead were camped at Corn Creek, which was 35 miles back, and at which place we found the Indians so friendly, an ox died, and the Indians asked for it. Before it was given to them, a Mormon reported that he saw an emigrant go to the carcass and cut it with his knife, and as he did so, would pour some liquid into the cut from a phial. The meat was eaten by the Indians, and three of them died, and several more were sick and would die. The people of Beaver seemed also to be incensed against the train, for the same reason as before reported. I asked an Indian, at Beaver, if there was any truth in the poisoned meat story; he replied in English, that he did not know, that several of the Indians had died and several were sick. He said their water-melons made them all sick, and he believed that the Mormons had poisoned them.
While waiting here, the train of WM. MATHEWS and SIDNEY TANNER of San Bernardino came up, and I made arrangements to come on with them. We came on to Parowan, and here we learned that the train ahead had been attacked by the Indians, at the Mountain Meadows, 50 miles from Parowan, and had returned upon their road five miles to a spring, and fortified themselves. We then drove out of Parowan five or six miles, and camped at what is called the Summit.
Next morning an express arrived from Mr. DAME, President of Parowan, requesting us not to proceed any further that day, if we pleased; also that MATHEWS and TANNER should return to Parowan, and bring me along with them. We returned, and a council was held, at which it was advised by Mr. DAME, that I should go back to my own train, as they did not wish to have strangers in their train. He also stated, that at 2 o'clock that morning, he had received an express from the train ahead, stating they were surrounded by Indians, who had killed two or three of their number, and asking for assistance. While we were talking, an express came in from Beaver, stating that the Indians had attacked my train in the streets of that place, and were fighting when he left. One reason given was, that ten miles the other side of Beaver, an emigrant train had shot an Indian, which greatly enraged them; that the people of Beaver went out in the night and brought the emigrants in, and were followed by the Indians, who made the attack after their arrival.
From this statement to Mr. POWERS, it appears that the attack was commenced on the 14th of September. Mr. DAME, a Mormon, told him he could raise a company and rescue the train from the Indians, but he "dared not disobey the Council." Continues Mr. POWERS:
On Saturday, at twelve o'clock we left Cedar City. About the middle of the afternoon, we met the four men who were sent out the night previous, returning in a wagon. MATHEWS and TANNER held a council with them, apart, and when they left, MATHEWS told me the entire train had been cut off; and, as it was still dangerous to travel the road, they had concluded it was better for us to pass the spot in the night. We continued on, without much conversation, and about midnight met Mr. DAME, (I did not know that he had left Cedar City,) and three other white men, coming from the scene of slaughter, in company with a band of some twenty Indian warriors. One of the men in company with Mr. DAME, was Mr. HAIGHT, President of Cedar City. Mr. DAME said they had been out to see to the burying of the dead; but the dead were not buried. From what I heard, I believe the bodies were left lying naked upon the ground, having been stripped of their clothing by the Indians. These Indians had a two-horse wagon, filled with something I could not see, as blankets were carefully spread over the top. The wagon was driven by a white man, and beside him, there were two or three Indians in it. Many of them had shawls, and bundles of women's clothes were tied to their saddles. They were also all supplied with guns or pistols, besides bows and arrows. The hindmost Indians were driving several head of the emigrants' cattle. Mr. Dame and Mr. Haight, and their men, seemed to be on the best of terms with the Indians, and they were all in high spirits, as if they were mutually pleased with the accomplishment of some desired object. They thronged around us, and greeted us with noisy cordiality. We did not learn much from them. They passed on, and we drove all night in silence, and at daylight camped, and were told we were three miles beyond the scene of slaughter.
Mr. POWERS continues to give the particulars of his journey through the Indian country. His train secured the services of a Mormon, named HATCH, an Indian missionary, who, for compensation agreed to come through with the train, and protect them from the Indians, calling himself an "interpreter." One day Mr. HATCH started ahead of the train to go to the Muddy. He continues:
When the train had nearly reached the Muddy River, they met HATCH returning, in company with two young men, brothers YOUNG, horse thieves, who were escaping form justice in San Bernardino, having been assisted in getting away by those who had them in custody. Mr. HATCH stated that when he reached the Muddy, he found the young boys in company with an emigrant, who had escaped the massacre. That on his arrival, there was not an Indian in sight, and that he had to give the whoop to call them from concealment. He said, in continuation, without appearing to notice the discrepancy, that on his arrival he found the Indians hotly pursuing the three men; and that they jumped upon the emigrant, and killed him before his eyes, before he could interfere to prevent it. He said that he threw himself between the boys and Indians, and had a great difficulty in saving them. The Indians were in a great excitement, as he said, but that as MATHEWS and TANNER were Mormons, they could pass without any danger.
When they arrived at the Muddy, they found 30 or 40 Indians, and the mail-riders from Los Angeles, who had come in that morning. The Indians were very friendly, and shook hands with everybody. No expression of hostility to Americans was heard, but this was accounted for on the ground that this was a Mormon train.
Mr. POWERS and his train arrived at San Bernardino, and he was advised by Mr. MATHEWS, who, he learned, was a President or Elder in that place, not to associate with the damned apostates; that they were cut-throats of the worst character. If he wished, they would give him constant work at their mill in the mountains, and he must be careful not to talk too much of what he had seen. While in San Bernardino, he heard many persons express gratification at the massacre. At the church services on Sunday, Capt. HUNT occupied the pulpit, and, among other things, he said that the hand of the Lord was in it; whether it was done by white or red skins, it was right! The prophesies concerning Missouri were being fulfilled, and they would all be accomplished. Mr. MATHEWS said the work had just begun and that it should be carried on until Uncle Sam and all his boys that were left should come to Zion and beg for bread.
After hearing the reading of this and other coroboratory statements, the meeting was addressed by Dr. ANDREWS, Messrs. SPARKS, MARGRADGE, CHAPMAN and others. A committee of four, consisting of Messrs. A. S. Sparks, W.A. WALLACE, Dr. ANDREWS and W. W. TWICH, were appointed to draft resolutions, and the meeting adjourned until the next day.
On the 13th October the meeting convened again, when the Convention reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted unanimously:
Whereas, After a careful examination into all the circumstances connected with the late horrible massacre in Utah Territory, we firmly believe the atrocious act was perpetrated by the Mormons, and their allies, the Indians; and
Whereas, We, perceive the rapidly gathering clouds of trouble, caused by a long, undisturbed, systematized course of thefts, robberies and murders, promoted and sanctioned by their leader and head prophet, BRIGHAM YOUNG, together with the Elders and followers of the Mormon Church, upon American citizens, whom necessity had compelled to pass through their Territory; aware of their bitter hostility to our Republican Government, and all its institutions; their rejection, insult, oppression; and in some cases murder, of the Federal officers, sent by the President to enforce the laws of the United States; believing that the late massacre in cold blood of one hundred and eighteen persons, included in which number were sixty women and children, is but a commencement of a series of such fiendish atrocities, that the many emigrant trains now on their way from the Western States to California, are liable to meet the same fate unless speedy measures are taken by the Government of the United States, the tide of emigration by this route will be entirely stopped.
Therefore, be it resolved, That we respectfully petition the President of the United States to exert the authority vested in him by the Constitution, that prompt measures may be taken for the punishment of the authors of the recent appalling and wholesale butchery of innocent women and children.
Resolved, That as there are at the present time a large community of Mormons residing in the adjoining county of San Bernardino, many of whom are living in open violation of one of the most important and sacred laws of our State,
Be it resolved, That we hereby respectfully request the Chief Executive of this State enforce its laws upon the people.
Resolved, That we hold ourselves ready at all times to respond to the call of the proper authorities to assist, if necessary, in enforcing obedience to the laws.
Another Train Attacked-Mormon Rebellion.
S. B. Honea, of Franklin County, Arkansas, recently arrived at Los Angeles. He left home on the 9th of May last for California. He saw nothing of armed bands till they reached Fort Bridger, in Utah Territory. Here they saw a large quantity of provisions stored, a considerable number of Indians encamped all around the fort, and heard the people genearlly speaking of making preparations to go out and meet General HARNEY. At Fort Bridger, he was told by a merchant that at Fort Supply over 400 Indians were encamped, awaiting orders to attack the United States Troops. About thirty miles front Fort Bridger he met three companies of men, generally mounted, and all well armed, having abundance of baggage, their wagons being numbered in messes. Mr. HONEA says he also here had a conversation with one of the Mormon soldiers, an Englishman, who, camping; with the company, grew very communicative over the camp-fires. The substance of this conversation, Mr. HONEA reports as follows:
He referred in bitter terms to the treatment the Mormons had received in Illinois and Missouri, reflected an the unjustness and tyranny of the people of the United States, and said that the time was come to get even. He said they were on their way to meet General HARNEY, to see what he was comoing for; "if he was coming peaceably, we will let him come, but if not, we will drive him back," were the words used. Another Mormon, named KILLION, an old man, who lives nitwit seven miles front Salt Lake City, spoke bitterly against the United States, denounced,Judge DRUMMOND, and all the Federal officers, and rejoiced that the time had come when the Saints would be avenged on their enemies—that men were found who could face the enemy, and that HARNEY, with his 2,500 men, never would enter Salt Lake City. He also stated that Governor BRIGHAM YOUNG had ordered the people to prepare for war; that they should not sell emigrants anything: that they must lay up provisions; that the men and women must not not dtress up in store clothes any more, but that all must be saved to forward the cause of the Church against the common enemy—that the men must be content with buckskin instead of broadcloth, and have plenty of guns and ammunition.
On the 17th August, Mr. HONEA passed through the City of Salt Lake. Remined only three or four hours. Had a conversation with a merchant, a Gentile, who stated that on the previous Sunday BRIGHAM YOUNG had declared, in the Temple, that henceforce Utah was a separate and Independent Territory, and owed no obedience or allegiance to form or laws but these of their own enactment, end called upon the people to stand together and support him in maintaining the cause of God and the Church. Was told that the house of GILBERT & GARRISON had orderse from BRIGHAM to pack up adn leave before the 1st of November.
During all the residue of this journey the train of Mr. HONEA was harassed by the Indians. They hired repeatedly Mormon guides, or "interpreters," as protection against the savages, and for this purpose expended $1,815; but found that the wretches were acting the traitors' part, and seemed inclined rather to setting the Indians on to attack, than to protecting them. Two men in a train that joined them, Captain TURNER and Mr. COLLINS, were shot end seriously wounded while in the Mormon train of Beaver, by the Indians. While near the Muddy, the Indians made another attack upon Mr. HONEA'S train, and run off 375 head of cattle.