"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse
On the 26th of August fifteen of the children who escaped the massacre at Mountain Meadows, in the spring of 1857, were brought to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, by a train of wagons from Utah, accompanied by Majors Eastman and Whiting, and Lieutenants Elwood, Carroll, and Tyler, of the U. S. Army. A correspondent speaks of this terrible massacre in an article under the head of "Atrocities of Mormonism," on the first page of this paper. We subjoin the particulars, as stated from memory, in the Leavenworth (Kansas) Herald, of the 27th ult. The Herald says:—
"The particulars of the unparalleled outrage, perpetrated by Mormons, under the guise of Indians, startled our whole country when the intelligence reached the States. We have not the details before us, but if we remember aright, a company, numbering 145 persons, started from the State of Arkansas, in the spring of 1857, for California. They were supplied with in excellent outfit— wagons, tunics, and an ample stock of provisions, etc. They got along well enough until they reached what is known as the "Mountain Meadows," in the southwestern part of the Territory of Utah. Here, whilst encamped, they were surrounded by a party, the larger portion of whom were Mormons, disguised as Indians—the balance, Indians—and the whole party brutally butchered, except seventeen children, who were taken possession of by the Indians. The object of the assailants was evidently plunder. Early last spring, through, the vigilance of Dr. Forney, the Indian agent for Utah, the children were all obtained, and properly cared for. Although most of them are very young, they were enabled to detail, with considerable intelligence, nearly all of the particulars of the terrible massacre they had witnessed.
The Government has furnished the children with transportation to Fort Leavenworth, and male and female attendants. We saw the children at the fort yesterday morning when they arrived. Ten are girls, and five, boys. The oldest little girl did not appear to be over ten years of age, and the majority are much younger. All were comfortably clothed, in good health and fine spirits. We saw a little rosy checkgirl, not over, we should think, four years of age, whose right arm was entirely helpless. At the time of the Massacre the child was in its mother's arms, and the bullet that sent its protector to an untimely grave, passed through the little one's right arm just below the elbow. We saw the scars made by the bullet, but received only a smile from the little girl, when we inquired if she could use her hand.
"An agent from Arkansas— said to be the relative of some of the children, most of whom are supposed to belong to Johnson county in that State—is expected here, to take charge of the children, and conduct them to their friends.
Two of the little girls—the oldest of the seventeen—are retained in Utah, to give testimony in the courts in relation to the massacre. They will be kindly cared for, and sent to Arkansas as soon as the bloody murderers—several of whom have been detected and apprehended—are disposed of.
There also came in with the train, under the especial care of Sergeant Black, the three Foster children, of whom much has been said in the papers. The father and mother lived in Connecticut. The father espoused the Mormon faith several years ago, and left for Salt Lake city, carrying with him his three little girls. The mother remained behind, and all efforts to retain her children were abortive. About a year ago, the father died; and now, through the efforts of the Secretary of War, her children have been reclaimed, and will soon be where they can receive a mother's love and devotion.
"The children will remain either at the fort or in the city for a few days; and those who desire to see them, can doubtless have their wishes gratified."