"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse
The Mormon Outrages.
I learn from an intelligent gentleman who has spent two or three years among Salt Lake Mormons, a fact or two tending to confirm the suspicion that the recent terrible massacre of over 100 California emigrants by Santa Clara Indians, was perpetrated under the influence of the Mormon leaders.
It is evident that the savages who perpetrated this outrage are the same band who cut off Capt. Gunnison and his command, for they are the only band of Indians at Corn Creek who raise grain and have it to sell. They are the same also who a year or more ago came very near massacreing Dr. Hunt, the U. S. Indian Agent, Mr. Burr, U. S. Surveyor General and party, at the suggestion of Mormon emissaries who rode into the Indian village a few miles ahead of them and announced that the Indian agent and his friends were coming to arrest and punish them for Gunnison's murder. On that occasion, fortunately, they were accompanied the war chief of a neighboring friendly tribe, who succeeded, with difficulty, to satisfying the Indians that they were on a friendly visit.
I learn also that Bill Hickman and Lat Smith, erroneously published Locksmith, who headed the party which recently destroyed the train containing supplies for the troops on their way to Utah, are two of the most notorious leaders of the Mormon Danite Band or destroying Angles.
There is reason to believe that Brigham Young has fully made up his mied that be must leave Utah next spring. It seems that part of the mission to England of Elder Orson Pratt and Ezra F. Benson, who is still abroad, was, to seek from the British Government permission to settle in the British Possession;. The application was refused.