"Horrible Massacre of Emigrants!!" The Mountain Meadows Massacre in Public Discourse
At a public meeting of the citizens of Newton county, held in Jasper on the 15th day of March, 1858, in pursuance of public notice, the following proceedings were had, viz:
Mr. John McCoy explained the object of the meeting.
On motion, Henry Brewer, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. S. Bennett was appointed Secretary. On motion, it was determined that the President appoint a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions expressive of the feelings of this meeting.
Thereupon the following gentlemen were appointed such committee, to win: R. W. Harrison, Esq., Joseph Bennett and A. W. Gage.
On motion of Mr. John Cecil the Secretary was added to the committee.
The committee after deliberating, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The painful intelligence has reached us that in July last, an emigrant train, with 130 persons, from Arkansas, known as Baker's train, was attacked by the Mormons and Santa Clara Indians, near the rim of the Great Basin, and about fifty miles from Cedar City, in Utah Territory, and that all the emigrants, except 15 children, were then and there inhumanly massacred—that the children, thus saved from the dreadful fate of their parent and company, were delivered over to the custody of the Mormons of Cedar City; and that among those who were with said train at the time of the massacre, were many of our most worthy, and much esteemed citizens from Carroll, Marion, Newton, and Johnson counties. And whereas a public meeting was held by the citizens of Carroll county, on the 1st day of Feb. last; therefore
Resolved, That we heartily concur in the resolutions passed by them.
Resolved, That as it appears from reliable information, there were as many as fifteen children saved from destruction in said massacre, that we hereby call on the general government for assistance in reclaiming said children from their captors, and restoring them to their friends in Arkansas.
Resolved, That we request our representatives and senators in Congress to use their utmost influence to have passed an act making an appropriation for the purpose of defraying the expenses which it may be necessary to incur in bringing home and restoring to their friends, the aforesaid children, who were saved from the massacre.
Resolved, That we offer our heartfelt sympathy to the parents and relatives of those unfortunate emigrants, who, as above stated, met such a lamentable fate.
Resolved, That in our opinion the government should immediately adopt decisive measures for subduing the spirit of insubordination and treason now rife among the Mormons; and to that end should call on Arkansas for volunteers, and that we, the people of Newton county, hold ourselves in readiness to respond to such call.
Resolved, That the True Democrat, and Gazette and Democrat be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. HENRY BREWER, President
J. S. Bennett, Secretary